Tag Archive | warren retrievers

We recieved one of the most amazing calls last night…

As many of you know, we have been working VERY hard fundraising to get Kinzie a D.A.D (Diabetic Alert Dog).  Well, last night the accumulation of all the tears, fears, sweat, hard work, prayers, events…all of it came together.  I was working with my sister at her dance studio and my phone rang.  The caller ID popped up ‘Warren Retrievers’. I knew it was Dan, but being that we are 3 hours different, he was working VERY late.  I knew this call had to be something amazing, exciting…special.  My heart was in my throat and I am pretty sure I was stuttering when I answered!

Dan told me Kinzie had been matched to her D.A.D!!!! This is incredible, something we have been waiting for!!! What started out as just this mothers ‘dream’ and a daughter’s ‘hope’ has become a reality.  We will be getting our little guardian, another set of watchful eyes to help aid in caring for and protecting Kinzie.  It may not be for all people, but this is most definitely for our little family and truly an answer to one of our prayers.  When you cannot ‘fix’ something wrong…you look for your best options to aid in the situation…and her D.A.D.  is a very much-needed and welcomed in the care of Kinzie.  He will be her constant vigil companion. So thank you Dan for that wonderful call! Her D.A.D. should be coming home end of Sept-beginning of Oct…and Dan has scheduled for the care package to arrive a bit early for Kinzie’s birthday (it is small things like this that Dan and our Warren Retriever family does…without being asked, that makes a difference.)  Best. Call. Ever!

Kinzie was at home, so when I got this call, I was the only one in my family around! So I quickly sent my husband a text to let him know (couldn’t contain the excitement)!!! So my sister and I ran to the grocery store and got a little cake/brownie and wrote in frosting a heart with the word “Elvis” inside.  We had my family meet us outside for ‘dessert’ and when I handed Kinize it, she knew right away what ‘Elvis’ meant.  We wanted to be able to capture this special moment (on a whim) because we have so many wonderful family, friends, community members, supporters near and far who have help us along the way that would have loved to been here that exact moment.  You can watch our little video right HERE (Kinzie doesn’t show her emotions very easily…she doesn’t cry in front of people.  This moment threw us all off)

We don’t get to choose color/sex of the D.A.D placed with us, as they are matched up to fit our needs…but Kinzie has been praying for a black boy simply because she wanted to call him Elvis.  Well, her hard prayers paid off…Elvis will be her best friend and watch over he day and night.  We already love him! When we get pictures, we will be sure to share!

So Thank you all for your thoughts, encouragement, words, kind acts, support, prayers…thank you for loving us and supporting us.  Thank you for trying to understand what it is like in our journey into type 1.  Thank you for helping us and hoping with us.  We simply cannot put into words what this means to us.  Life Changing…it is going to be life changing.